Welcome to my Web site. I have been building Web sites now for over ten
years as a professional
Web developer and graphic designer
Web master. You probably don't believe that right now, and that's completely
understandable. But the cobbler's children have no shoes.
My current thing:
Right now, I'm a masters student in the Public Interest Technology program at ASU's College of Global Futures. I'm studying how open source projects to try and answer the following questions:
- How do we encourage financial and labor contributions to OSS from individuals, non-profits, corporations, and governments?
- What models of funding, development, and organizational structure are commonly used and why?
- Do different funding or structural models work better for different types or sizes of projects?
Links to me:
I am other places on the Web. Find me in those places.
- Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@ardouglass where I post drivel
- GitHub: https://github.com/ardouglass where I put my code
- Dribbble: https://dribbble.com/ardouglass where I will start putting some design stuff when I feel like it
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ardouglass where you can see that I've Done a Business before
- Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/ardouglass where I track and rate movies
- Goodreads: https://goodreads.com/ardouglass where I track and rate books
- Untappd: https://untappd.com/user/ardouglass where I track and rate beers
- Foursquare: https://foursquare.com/ardouglass where I track and rate places
https://twitter.com/ardouglass where I occasionally tweet about unimportant thingseww, no, never mind
Links to things I like:
I can't think of any. I am not a big fan of things. Maybe I'll add some later if they come to mind.